Friday, August 17, 2012

Another day....

Many apologies for the despairing sound coming from my last post. But after all, I am an honest person who doesn't believe in beating around the bush. What you see/read is what you get. And while we're at being honest....lets just say that our 1st night would probably be counted as a least if you're counting moments of actual sleep. I didn't get too many....apparently neither did the rest of my family if you consider the melt downs today. (me??? meltdown???? no!!) (Yes, I guess I still have some sense of humor.) Our wonderful hosts have a german shepherd named Molly (she and Ralphie are having a marvelous time). However Molly decided to park under our camper last night and bark... a lot. Add to that, a little Owie who hasn't been feeling very well and a cold Jackson (at least that's what Josh thinks was the trouble) and you don't get much shut eye. Praying that tonight will be better. Otherwise Daddy might drop an extremely crabby Mommy at the side of the road.
There definitely are 2 little people LOVING this entire thing! Alan and Jackson (yes, we call them Alan Jackson too :) spent the entire day riding Alan's little gator and four wheelers all over the yard. I really think the two of them could do that for days at a time! Only once or twice did we have to remind them to NOT RUN EACH OTHER OVER!! (yes, Jack ran poor Alan over "He was trying to stop me Mommy and I wanted to keep going!) and WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING!! (as Jack runs into a tree).
I finished all the things I needed to for starting Orientation on Monday and timed my drive time for work. It takes me a good 45 minutes to get from Maxwell (home) to Waukee where I'll be working. Yikes. Will be finding more books on tape from the library...or maybe I'll take up a foreign language. Oh well, it's a nice change of job (I know, everyone thinks I'll be bored out of my gourd.)  And I'm covering part of someones maternity leave so it's not even a permanent schedule.
I will try to get pictures posted tomorrow of our home. Oh, you should have seen Owen dancing tonight! We put on Veggie Tales for an extremely tired Jackson and Owen decided it was good dancing music! Words just don't do it justice!
Keep praying for us as we have NOTHING happening on our house in Waverly. Makes this whole adventure seem even more daunting when there isn't an end in sight. Thank you for taking the time to read my little blog and I hope it brings you at least a chuckle...
Off to a hopefully restful Sabbath (our church day if you don't know, is Saturday)
Gina Bee

oh, btw, my Mr. Fix It fixed the fridge and after thinking we would need a WHOLE NEW TOILET!!! fixed it too!! wooohoo


  1. You are BRAVE everything will work out for the best! Thank you for sharing & being honest :) We all could use less beating around the bush and more to the point! :)

  2. Ronald ia going to try to put Molly in the garage tonight so maybe she won't bark at every creature in the night, real or imagined. :-) Ronald thought maybe we should just leave her out so you can get used to her as we apparently have! I'm pretty sure she was just trying to protect our friends' home. :-)

  3. Gina,
    Love hearing about your ventures. Blogging will help you keep it all in perspective too. It sure helps me hang onto what little sanity I have left around here!
    Ms. T
