Friday, August 10, 2012

The Beginning

 August 10, 2012

"Just consider it a modern version of 'walk to school uphill both ways, in the snow, barefoot.' It's an adventure! Just keep thinking of it as an ADVENTURE!" - my friend Jeff
 Our adventure will begin in 4 days when we move into 30 foot camper for an unidentified period of time. "We" is my husband, Josh, myself, Jackson 4 y/o, Owen 1 1/2 y/o, and Ralphie our Shitzu. How did we get here you ask? Here's the nutshell version: We currently live in an 1100 sq/ft house in Waverly, Nebraska. But we've excepted jobs outside of Des Moines, Iowa. Our home has yet to sell (note the positivity oozing from this statement) and until that happens we are at a bit of a standstill on housing. Today was my last day working for St. Elizabeth. Josh and I both begin our new jobs on Monday, Aug. 20th. Therefore, on Wednesday, the 14th, we will be moving into our 30 ft, 1979 goose neck, travel trailer. We are blessed enough to have friends who will be letting us park on their country property right next door to them.

So being inspired by a friend who did a similar very inspiring blog (thank you Kendra!) and out of necessity (stress can kill you don't you know!) I decided to focus on living a simpler life and write a blog about it. I've often wondered about what life would be like without so much 'stuff'. It's so easy to fall into the "poor me" mind set and forget that as American's we are some of the wealthiest people in the world. I want to remember exactly how blessed my family is. So we'll be packing only the necessities into our camper and we'll focus on living life simplified! I hope that you enjoy my little ramblings and perhaps you will also see your blessings in a different light.

T - 4 (you know, take off minus 4 days?)
nighty night

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a "Game Plan",Gina-Bee! That's gonna be an amazing time spent w/o all the "stuff" we ALL think we need.You & your Family will be just me,been there,done that!I will add your Blog to my VIP List on my Blog page at:

    Blogging is so much fun_it enables your Soul to be Free!Many Blessings,& Congrats on finding Jobs..something lots of folks would like to have...I'm on retirement year # 2....NICE!Still think of our fun times together..Namaste
